XLN Audio Addictive Trigger

Drum Replacement Plugin

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  • Regular price $149.94 40% off
  • $89.96

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    Digital Products

    Digital Products are delivered electronically either via your order status page, or via email.

    No physical product will be shipped to you!

    In most cases, the product you purchase from us is a serial number/license code/activation code to register the product with the manufacturer and download directly from them. This ensures you receive the latest version of products, and the best support when necessary.

    After purchase, your license code and relevant links will appear on your order status page, or they will be sent to you by email.

    For detailed instructions on the registration/download process, you can visit our dedicated page by clicking here: Install Instructions.

Education Proof

Products with education pricing are for students & teachers only. To prove your education status we require that you upload proof in the form of an image/PDF.

Types of proof


Student ID Card, Letter of enrollment, or similar


Teacher ID Card, Lecturer ID Card, Payslip, Letter from the school/college

Education proof is submitted to the manufacturer and is accepted at their discretion.

The Basics

iLok is a copy protection method used by many of our brands.

It has 3 types of activations, iLok USB, iLok Machine, and iLok Cloud.

Different brands/products will offer different iLok methods. iLok USB is always an option, but the availability of iLok Cloud and iLok Machine methods is at the discretion of the software developer.

iLok Account

For all iLok protected products, you will need an iLok account. You can create one for free here: ilok.com/#!registration

iLok License Manager

To manage your iLok licenses, there is a dedicated app called iLok License Manager. This app is used to register, activate, and move your licenses between locations.

You can download the latest installers from the iLok website: ilok.com/#!home

iLok USB Key

iLok USB

This activation is stored on an iLok 2 or 3 USB key.

It is the best option for portability, if you frequently move between multiple machines, and offline use.

iLok Machine ID

Machine ID

This activation is stored locally on your computer.

While this is a convenient way to work offline, and does not require the additional cost of an iLok USB, there is the risk of a license being lost in the case of a drive failure.

This option also requires extra care when you upgrade to a new computer, the license(s) must be deactivated on your old machine first to ensure you do not lose them.

iLok Cloud

iLok Cloud

This activation is based online, and requires a "cloud session" using the iLok License Manager.

It requires an active internet connection for the entire time you use the plugin(s).

Accurate and Intelligent

During the research phase of Addictive Trigger, users around the world reported that accurate hit detection is absolutely critical when using drum replacement plugins.

Unfortunately, existing triggering technologies tend to have shortcomings that require lots of manual tweaking and correction.

We endeavor to make products that are better than what is currently available, and we ended up creating an entirely new method for drum hit detection called Audio Fingerprint.

Our new system uses FFT analysis to accurately identify drum sounds even if there is a lot of mic bleed or background noise in the source material.

It's fast, it's accurate, and we think it'll change the way you work with live-recorded drums.

What is Audio Fingerprint?

Typical drum replacement tools rely on rudimentary filtering and transient detection, resulting in many false triggers and missed hits.

Audio Fingerprint solves this problem by using a novel FFT-based matching system.

It is so accurate, that it usually has no trouble detecting lightly played ghost notes from background noise while simultaneously rejecting mic bleed and other unwanted sounds.

In addition to detecting low-level ghost notes with great accuracy, our Audio Fingerprint system can also differentiate between different stroke types that are played at similar velocities (for example, sidestick and open snare hits).

This lets Addictive Trigger playback the correct articulations of samples, even if the incoming source material has different kinds of drum hits with similar peak levels.

Superstart. Super fast.

Setting and fine-tuning detection parameters can be painfully tedious work.

SuperStart eliminates the need to do this by listening to your source material and automatically providing suitable detection settings.

In most cases, this is all you need to get accurate drum detection happening on your tracks. This lets you spend more of your time on creative things like dialing in the perfect drum sounds.

Super Smart Automatic Hit Detection

Once you have inserted Addictive Trigger on an audio track, simply click SuperStart and begin playback in your host software.

Addictive Trigger listens to your track for several seconds, analyzes the incoming hits and automatically sets a number of different parameters based on the source material.

In most cases, this is all you need to do in order to have accurate hit detection happening on your track.

World-Class Sounds Right out Of the Box

In addition to the intelligent detection and workflow features, Addictive Trigger ships with tons of fantastic and easily-tweakable presets that are tailored specifically for drum replacement.

Selected from the award-winning Addictive Drums library, these sounds are recorded at world-class, impossible-to-book studios like Fairfax Recording (formerly known as Sound City) and United Recording (formerly Ocean Way) and utilize some of the finest gear and most experienced ears in the business.

Even if you already have nice drums and a great studio, we think you'll still find a lot of inspiration and benefit from having these world-class sounds at your fingertips.

A Complete Solution

Addictive Trigger works all on its own and does not require any additional software to provide world-class results. Just fire up the plugin and you're ready to go.

Accurate detection and outstanding sounds are included in the box.

Plays Nice with Other Drum Software

Addictive Trigger supports most popular 3rd party drum instruments as well.

You can easily drag-and-drop properly formatted MIDI data out of Addictive Trigger to your favorite instrument and begin working right away.

Already an AD2 user?

If you own XLN's flagship Addictive Drums 2 software, you're in luck!

You can use all of your favorite presets and ADpak expansion sounds immediately in Addictive Trigger without any need to convert presets or change any settings.

System Requirements

  • MacOS 10.10 Yosemite and above
  • Windows 7 and above (64-bit only)
  • Intel, AMD, or Apple Silicon CPU
  • 1920x1080 screen resolution or higher

Plugin Formats

AAX Native, AU, VST2, and Standalone

User Manual

Crossgrade Proof

This crossgrade is for owners of a competing DAW. To prove your DAW ownership, we require that you upload proof in the form of an image/PDF.

Types of proof

A copy of your purchase receipt for the original license or the most recent update/upgrade

A screenshot of your product registration

A photo of your package (either CD/DVD or printed manual), with the unique serial number included in the photo.