Tracktion TheSynthFactory Horizen

Synthesizer Virtual Instrument

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The Basics

iLok is a copy protection method used by many of our brands.

It has 3 types of activations, iLok USB, iLok Machine, and iLok Cloud.

Different brands/products will offer different iLok methods. iLok USB is always an option, but the availability of iLok Cloud and iLok Machine methods is at the discretion of the software developer.

iLok Account

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iLok License Manager

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iLok USB Key

iLok USB

This activation is stored on an iLok 2 or 3 USB key.

It is the best option for portability, if you frequently move between multiple machines, and offline use.

iLok Machine ID

Machine ID

This activation is stored locally on your computer.

While this is a convenient way to work offline, and does not require the additional cost of an iLok USB, there is the risk of a license being lost in the case of a drive failure.

This option also requires extra care when you upgrade to a new computer, the license(s) must be deactivated on your old machine first to ensure you do not lose them.

iLok Cloud

iLok Cloud

This activation is based online, and requires a "cloud session" using the iLok License Manager.

It requires an active internet connection for the entire time you use the plugin(s).

HoriZEN 2.0 is a flexible and creative sound machine, suitable for any genre of modern or retro sounds, great for electronic, acoustic, dance or cinematic music.

HoriZEN is a multi-instrument where you can combine, mix and match anything and everything together.

Thanks to its 10-Voice architecture, you can combine 4 sample engines with 4 voice dual OSC/wavetable synths and 2 loop player engines to create any sound that you can dream of.

You can add per-voice customisations such as 16 part unison, multi-mode filters, classic trem/vibrato and our new powerful FX engine that lets you use sends to route to the 4 send effect slots, with multiple effect choices in each slot, as well as 4 Master Effect slots with the same level of choices.

The new Modulation system lets you design the way you sculpt sounds, firstly create LFO shapes then drag & drop to relevant places and off you go!

Voice selection and editing is clear and simple.

You can use our unique approach to sound layering using our KeyScale function, for across the keyboard custom sound combinations, great for unique sound design & movie productions.

There's the XY pad where you can automate & record XY movements, that allow the dynamic cross blending of one sound with another.

Overall HoriZEN 2.0 is a flexible and creative sound machine, suitable for any genre of modern or retro sounds, great for electronic, acoustic, dance or cinematic music.

This is more than an audio product, it is an audio platform, and we are committed to a long term relationship with it and with you!


  • 10 voice Architecture (Samplers,Synths & Loop Players)
  • Over 850 Voices with Browser-based user-favourites
  • VA & Wavetable Synths
  • FM on all voices
  • Drag-and-Drop Modulators
  • User defined LFO shapes
  • User defined XY Pad targets
  • Load your own Sounds
  • Dual Arps, voice assignable
  • Multi-FX Send and Master effect slots
  • Multi-mode Filters per voice
  • Over 350 presets

XY Pad

Our newly crafted XY pad design lets you drag & drop any of the 10 sound sources to any of the pad corners (with a max of two sounds per corner) to be modulated by the XY pads movement.

This will offer new creative and exciting ways to blend different sources together, you can record your X/Y movements and even save them out and reload them into another sound design project if you wish.

LFO Mods

Our new LFO modulator section allows you to create then drag your LFO to designated targets around the plugin.

You can use up to 6 LFO modulators in total that can cover a wide range of shapes/speeds that suit your sound creation ideas and you can drop any LFO into as many targets as you like.

There are also 2 Key modulators to be used alongside 2 Velocity modulators that can refine your control further if you so wish.

Each modulator that you create can be dragged & dropped on to a target or it can be selected from the target's own dropdown menu.

In each modulator you can create fantastic user-drawn shapes to be run over various time sequences.

You can lock time to the DAW tempo or run free sync even make your modulation run in oneshot mode.

We've included some interesting and useful shapes to get you started.

9 Glorious Voice & Master Effects

HoriZEN has a comprehensive and extensive effects system.

Every voice has 4 dedicated sends that match up to the 4 send effect slots.

These sends are modulator targets so you can modulate the amount of each voice going into each send effect slot.

Across the whole instrument are 4 master effect slots.

In every slot you get to decide the effect you want to run from a selection of 9 effects, so you can easily and quickly set up your own sequence of effects.

Where appropriate effects also have dedicated LFOs for further control.

Player Pages

Horizen has three different player systems.

Arp 1 & 2

A classic arp system with user set-able number of steps, tempo(DAW synced), swing, octave movement, and for each step the velocity, note length and pitch shift.

The arp can be configured in 6 different playback directions (including chord playback).

Each of the voices in HoriZEN can be routed to one or the other of the arps (or to none at all), so you can have freely playing voices and arpeggiated voices at the same time.

It also boasts a chordal (scale) pitch-offset table where the user can pre-select a scale and have arp notes shifted to fit in the scale.


HoriZEN includes a dedicated chord player.

Sixteen midi keys are set up to playback one of a wide range of chords, you can select the root note, one of 12 different popular chord types and the octave the chord will play in.

The selected chord will then be shown on the 16-key display in the user interface.

You can further select to play the chord as a strum (delays between each note of the chord) and set the strum tempo (user-selected divisions of the DAW speed).

Finally you can select to augment the chord with additional notes, for more complicated chord structures.

Drag & Drop Loops From Anywhere

HoriZEN's 2 new loop players allow you to load and play your own audio files.

In the players you can drag & drop wav files from anywhere, or even set your own user defined library within the Loop Browser so your existing audio loop collections are automatically loaded and can be used with the power of the tools available.

Audio can be played as a loop (hence the voice name) or as a one shot per note press.

You can have the loop play forwards or reverse and pitch-track the keyboard or play a constant pitch.


Each voice has its own independent dedicated filter with 9 different custom filter types, and offers control over frequency, resonance, a filter frequency envelope, frequency LFO target and a filter frequency key-position modulator.

Filter LFOs

Each filter has a dedicated LFO target for the Filter frequency, so you can drag from the modulation section any LFO with the shape/speed and pattern you have designed.

Filter Frequency also has a dedicated AHDSR envelope to modulate each note you play.

VOICE Control

In addition to all the normal elements like gain envelopes, transpose, pan, tremolo and vibrato you also have our 16 part unison system along with its stereo separation and controllable modulation functions as well as the octaver that enhances a sound by adding notes an octave above & below the notes you play.

These have their own independent proportional volume controls.

Each voice also has an independent mono and glide system so you can glide some voice elements at their own independent speed and not others if you wish.

Synth Voices

Our synth voices allow you to create a world of options in a variety of ways using our synth panel.

Firstly, there is a dual oscillator that opens up a lot of options to mix and match the oscillator types together.

Secondly, there's the wavetable system, with a range of wavetables available, that allows you to customize the way it plays by using a modulation source to move through your selected wavetable.

The modulation uses our LFO modulators so you get all the design freedom available from our modulators to define how the wavetable is played back, or you can use the wavetable like a regular oscillator, with its own unique sound by setting it to use a fixed position of your choice.

System Requirements

  • MacOS 10.9 Mavericks and above
  • Windows 8 and above (64-bit only)
  • Intel, AMD, or Apple Silicon CPU
  • 4GB RAM or more
  • 7GB free storage space

Plugin Formats

AU and VST3

Crossgrade Proof

This crossgrade is for owners of a competing DAW. To prove your DAW ownership, we require that you upload proof in the form of an image/PDF.

Types of proof

A copy of your purchase receipt for the original license or the most recent update/upgrade

A screenshot of your product registration

A photo of your package (either CD/DVD or printed manual), with the unique serial number included in the photo.