Sampleson Drumbada

Percussion Virtual Instrument

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    Products with the Instant Delivery badge can be delivered to you in seconds after you place your order.


    Digital Products

    Digital Products are delivered electronically either via your order status page, or via email.

    No physical product will be shipped to you!

    In most cases, the product you purchase from us is a serial number/license code/activation code to register the product with the manufacturer and download directly from them. This ensures you receive the latest version of products, and the best support when necessary.

    After purchase, your license code and relevant links will appear on your order status page, or they will be sent to you by email.

    For detailed instructions on the registration/download process, you can visit our dedicated page by clicking here: Install Instructions.

Education Proof

Products with education pricing are for students & teachers only. To prove your education status we require that you upload proof in the form of an image/PDF.

Types of proof


Student ID Card, Letter of enrollment, or similar


Teacher ID Card, Lecturer ID Card, Payslip, Letter from the school/college

Education proof is submitted to the manufacturer and is accepted at their discretion.

The Basics

iLok is a copy protection method used by many of our brands.

It has 3 types of activations, iLok USB, iLok Machine, and iLok Cloud.

Different brands/products will offer different iLok methods. iLok USB is always an option, but the availability of iLok Cloud and iLok Machine methods is at the discretion of the software developer.

iLok Account

For all iLok protected products, you will need an iLok account. You can create one for free here:!registration

iLok License Manager

To manage your iLok licenses, there is a dedicated app called iLok License Manager. This app is used to register, activate, and move your licenses between locations.

You can download the latest installers from the iLok website:!home

iLok USB Key

iLok USB

This activation is stored on an iLok 2 or 3 USB key.

It is the best option for portability, if you frequently move between multiple machines, and offline use.

iLok Machine ID

Machine ID

This activation is stored locally on your computer.

While this is a convenient way to work offline, and does not require the additional cost of an iLok USB, there is the risk of a license being lost in the case of a drive failure.

This option also requires extra care when you upgrade to a new computer, the license(s) must be deactivated on your old machine first to ensure you do not lose them.

iLok Cloud

iLok Cloud

This activation is based online, and requires a "cloud session" using the iLok License Manager.

It requires an active internet connection for the entire time you use the plugin(s).

Drumbada is a polyrhythmic cinematic drum engine equipped with 5 groups of 3 drummers each.

It is based on the unique sound of the "Bombo Legüero", a rare South American bass drum that has never been deeply sampled before.

Drumbada also introduces our Crew-playing algorithm, which reproduces the behavior and imperfections of 15 percussionists playing together.


Drumbada simplifies the process of creating polyrhythms by offering intuitive controls within its five groups of sound sources and arpeggiators.

With independent adjustments for signature, speed, spread value, and accent, users can effortlessly explore various rhythmic combinations without feeling overwhelmed.

This thoughtful design allows for natural experimentation and encourages creative exploration, making polyrhythms accessible to musicians and producers of all skill levels.

A Rare Bass Drum

The "bombo legüero" is a drum popular in Latin American folklore.

It owes its name to the characteristic it is believed to have, which is being heard even at 6 miles of distance.

It consists of two leather membranes with hair attached to a box made from a hollowed trunk secured by straps made of leather or rawhide.

Both the rims and the membranes are struck with leather-covered mallets called sticks or drumsticks.

The legend tells that a butcher in a village, who lived in the middle of the countryside, had a drum to inform neighbors that he had meat for sale.

Crew Algorithm

Drumbada faithfully replicates the organic imperfections of a dynamic ensemble of 15 percussionists playing together.

With precise control over the timing of each group of percussionists, you can finely adjust the rhythmic feel to suit your composition.

Additionally, manipulate accents with ease to emulate the nuanced impact of subtle or strong hits, bringing authenticity and depth to your drum tracks.

Featuring an intuitive interface and a user-friendly mouse-drag UI zone, Drumbada grants you unparalleled control over your sound by seamlessly integrating multiple parameters into a single, effortless gesture.

This transformative capability positions Drumbada as an indispensable creative tool, ideal for both live performances and studio composition alike.

System Requirements

  • MacOS 10.7 Lion and above
  • Windows 7 and above (64-bit only)
  • Intel or AMD CPU
  • 4GB RAM or more
  • 100MB free storage space

Plugin Formats

AU, VST2, and Standalone

User Manual

Crossgrade Proof

This crossgrade is for owners of a competing DAW. To prove your DAW ownership, we require that you upload proof in the form of an image/PDF.

Types of proof

A copy of your purchase receipt for the original license or the most recent update/upgrade

A screenshot of your product registration

A photo of your package (either CD/DVD or printed manual), with the unique serial number included in the photo.