MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle
110 Plugin Bundle
Turn your computer into a professional studio!
MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle is the ultimate collection of effects, and it currently contains 110 of them, including dynamics processors, equalizers, modulation effects including chorus and phasers, reverbs, stereo tools and analyzers.
Included Plugins
- MAmp
- MAnalyzer
- MAutoAlign
- MAutoDynamicEQ
- MAutoEqualizer
- MAutopan
- MAutopanMB
- MAutoPitch
- MAutoStereoFix
- MAutoVolume
- MBandPass
- MBassador
- MBitFun
- MBitFunMB
- MCabinet
- MCCGenerator
- MChannelMatrix
- MCharacter
- MCharmVerb
- MChorusMB
- MComb
- MCombMB
- MCompare
- MCompressor
- MConvolutionEZ
- MConvolutionMB
- MDelayMB
- MDistortionMB
- MDoubleTracker
- MDrumEnhancer
- MDrumLeveler
- MDrumReplacer
- MDynamicEQ
- MDynamics
- MDynamicsMB
- MEqualizer
- MEqualizerLP
- MFilter
- MFlanger
- MFlangerMB
- MFreeformAnalogEQ
- MFreeformEqualizer
- MFreeformPhase
- MFreqShifter
- MFreqShifterMB
- MGranularMB
- MHarmonizerMB
- MLimiterMB
- MLimiterX
- MLoudnessAnalyzer
- MMetronome
- MModernCompressor
- MMorph
- MMultiAnalyzer
- MNoiseGenerator
- MNotepad
- MOscillator
- MOscilloscope
- MPhaser
- MPhaserMB
- MPhatik
- MPolySaturator
- MRatio
- MRatioMB
- MRecorder
- MReverb
- MReverbMB
- MRhythmizer
- MRhythmizerMB
- MRingModulator
- MRingModulatorMB
- MRotary
- MSaturator
- MSaturatorMB
- MSpectralDelay
- MSpectralDynamics
- MSpectralPan
- MStereoExpander
- MStereoGenerator
- MStereoProcessor
- MStereoScope
- MStereoSpread
- MSuperLooper
- MTransformer
- MTransient
- MTransientMB
- MTremolo
- MTremoloMB
- MTuner
- MTurboComp
- MTurboCompLE
- MTurboDelay
- MTurboEQ
- MTurboReverb
- MTurboReverbLE
- MUltraMaximizer
- MUnison
- MUtility
- MVibrato
- MVibratoMB
- MVintageRotary
- MVocoder
- MWaveFolder
- MWaveFolderMB
- MWaveShaper
- MWaveShaperMB
- MWobbler
- MXXXCore
System Requirements
- MacOS 10.9 and newer (64-bit only)
- Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
- VST / VST3 / AAX / AU compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
- Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support or Apple Silicon Processor
System Requirements
- MacOS 10.14 Mojave and above
- Windows 8 and above (32 and 64-bit)
- Intel, AMD, or Apple Silicon CPU
Plugin Formats
AAX Native, AU, VST2, VST3