Audio Ease Altiverb 8 XL

Convolution Reverb Plugin with Multichannel Support up to 9.1.6

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The Basics

iLok is a copy protection method used by many of our brands.

It has 3 types of activations, iLok USB, iLok Machine, and iLok Cloud.

Different brands/products will offer different iLok methods. iLok USB is always an option, but the availability of iLok Cloud and iLok Machine methods is at the discretion of the software developer.

iLok Account

For all iLok protected products, you will need an iLok account. You can create one for free here:!registration

iLok License Manager

To manage your iLok licenses, there is a dedicated app called iLok License Manager. This app is used to register, activate, and move your licenses between locations.

You can download the latest installers from the iLok website:!home

iLok USB Key

iLok USB

This activation is stored on an iLok 2 or 3 USB key.

It is the best option for portability, if you frequently move between multiple machines, and offline use.

iLok Machine ID

Machine ID

This activation is stored locally on your computer.

While this is a convenient way to work offline, and does not require the additional cost of an iLok USB, there is the risk of a license being lost in the case of a drive failure.

This option also requires extra care when you upgrade to a new computer, the license(s) must be deactivated on your old machine first to ensure you do not lose them.

iLok Cloud

iLok Cloud

This activation is based online, and requires a "cloud session" using the iLok License Manager.

It requires an active internet connection for the entire time you use the plugin(s).

The Original Convolution Reverb

Altiverb is a plug-in that makes your audio sound as if it was played back somewhere else, adding the acoustics of existing spaces to your own recordings or to your live audio.

All spaces in Altiverb were recorded in the real world, from Sydney Opera House to a Scottish underground oil tank the size of a cathedral.

Impulse Responses from All Over the World

Longer than anyone in the industry, and with more ear for detail, Audio Ease has been traveling the world to record the acoustics of the best-sounding spaces.

The results of hundreds of these recordings are included with Altiverb 8.

Ranging from London's Wembley stadium to the ancient caves of the island of Malta and the churches, concert halls and rock studios from cities like Tokyo, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin and New York.

The IR Browser

The Impulse Response library is now more accessible then ever because of Altiverb's newly designed browser.

Select impulse responses by clicking photos of rooms.

Instant, gapless loading, finding similar sounding spaces, organise by reverb length (RT60), and single click favorites are just a few of the possibilities.

The Impulse Response Browser and the pictures in it are resizeable and contains an extensive search field.

Concert Halls

First class orchestral recording studios from the US East and West Coast are featured in Altiverb, like Todd AO, 20th Century Fox, paramount, some of these studios no longer exist, but their sound lives on in Altiverb.

Orchestral Studios

First class orchestral recording studios from the US East and West coast are featured in Altiverb.

Some of these scoring stages no longer exist, but their sound lives on in Altiverb.

Recording Studios

Many world-class recording studio live spaces and echo chambers, from Tokyo to Paris are part of the Altiverb impulse responses library.

Every Day Rooms

The POST category features many different sounding spaces, every day rooms like bathrooms, restrooms, kitchens, different types of transport, trains, cars, planes, but also the not-so-ordinary, odd-sounding, spaces like museums, huge domes, or sewer pipes.

Classic Reverb Gear

Altiverb contains a tremendous amount of classic reverb gear and purpose built echo chambers.

You will find all the EMT plates you want, spring reverbs, classic digital gear like the 480, 224, the RMX 16, the 250.

Add the Frank Sinatra and Beach Boys echo chambers and you have everything you need to recreate all those classic sounds.

These IR sets match the real hardware units very closely, usually indistinguishable from the original.

Creating Your Own IRs

With the sweeps and tool you get with Altiverb 8 you can capture acoustics yourself and use these impulse responses in Altiverb.


Apart from the extensive library of impulse responses you get with this plug-in, Altiverb features some clever controls for shaping the sound of this convolution reverb.


This essential reverb parameter is very prominent in Altiverb 8.

You can apply an exponential decay on any impulse response to reduce the reverb time, without changing the character of the room.


Real spaces often contain less high frequency content than algorithmic (synthetic) reverbs.

Sometimes you need that extra sparkling brightness in a reverb tail that is just hard to obtain from the real world.


Control the reverb length of three separate and adjustable frequency bands.

Shortening is damping, lengthening is enhancing.

You can see the effect of damping in the waterfall graph of the impulse response.

Stage Positions

Altiverb can have mono or stereo inputs.

When making impulse responses, we used either one speaker position in the center of the stage for mono input, or two speaker positions for stereo input.

So there is a direct relation between the amount of inputs and the speakers used. Using the positioner tab, available only in mono and stereo input Altiverbs, you can switch on the speaker, in which case you can hear where it stands.

You can also, right there, move the speaker around.

You should use it fully wet, but even then you hear quite some dry-ish material, because there is a direct path from speakers to microphones.

The four knobs on the right manipulate the different stages of the impulse response, starting with the earliest part: the direct sound.

The gain and color of the direct sound can be adjusted.

Color is adjusted between neutral (flat) and the actual direct sound that is in the Impulse Response (IR), which sounds more realistic, but can give unwanted coloration as it can contain a very early reflection from an on stage piano or the stage itself, and also includes speaker and microphone coloration.

Early and tail can be switched on or off and the levels can be changed too.


Altiverb features a four band equalizer.

The bass and treble bands are Baxandall EQs, designed to not shift phase more than 180 degrees, which effectively means that combing or cancellation effects are unlikely when the EQ'd signal is mixed with the dry signal.

The equalizer works on the wet signal only.


Makes the selected room (impulse response) smaller or larger.

This transposes room modes and resonances, tightens or spreads early reflections, and shortens or lengthens the reverb tail.


Delays the onset of the reverb.

If the note symbol is clicked, the timing of the delay is locked to the tempo of the host application so you can select an eighth-note as the delay time.

Cloud Size and Pan Tracking Reverb - from LCR up to 9.1.6 input Altiverbs

Altiverb XL supports more than two inputs.

With more then two inputs there is no longer a direct relation between an input and a speaker that was used when making the impulse response.

Therefore the Positioner tab is unavailable. Instead there is a new control: cloud size.

With cloud size turned down, the reverb no longer outputs to all output channels, it starts clustering around the input pan position of your sounds.

Even when the input sound moves, the reverb cloud travels along with it.

System Requirements

  • MacOS 10.15 Catalina and above
  • Officially supported up to MacOS 15 Sequoia
  • Intel or Apple Silicon CPU
  • 8GB free storage space
  • Free iLok account and iLok License Manager
  • iLok Machine and iLok USB licensing methods are supported

Plugin Formats

AAX Native, AU, and VST3

Crossgrade Proof

This crossgrade is for owners of a competing DAW. To prove your DAW ownership, we require that you upload proof in the form of an image/PDF.

Types of proof

A copy of your purchase receipt for the original license or the most recent update/upgrade

A screenshot of your product registration

A photo of your package (either CD/DVD or printed manual), with the unique serial number included in the photo.